In 2023 Police from Pune raided locations in Delhi and seized 3000 crores of mephdrone(street name of it is called meow meow).Cocaine produced from Cumbua in South America,is a drug for the rich and famous and mainly smuggled into Europe where there is a huge demand for the drugs.In India heroin is the most common drug,coming from Goldeb Triangle and the Golden Crescent-Pakiatan Aghanistan and Iran.
When 500kgs of cocaibe was seized by Delhi police on October 4,2024 amounting to 5000 crores,the alarm bell began to ring on the biggest cocaine cartel in operations in India came to light.The primary routes are the Balkan route overland to Turkey, and the Norhern route to the Russia and the Southern route that takes the Baluchistan route to traffic narcotics across the Arabian Sea.
The main producer of Opium poppy is Afghanistan a country torn by a decades of Civil war from 1979. After the Mujahideen fighters were unable to govern the country tbe Taliban appeared in Kandahar and Helmand provinces of Southern Afghanistan,sharing borders with Pakistan.From 1992 the Taliban imposed Sharia law and took control of all areas in thr south and east, leaving the Northern areas under the control of Tajik warlord
Ahmad Shah Massoud.The areas where the Taliban rose are also the traditional poppy cultivating areas of Afghanistan
The 26/11 terror arrack on India's financial capital Mumbai, had brought to light some significant findings on the role of drugs and terror funding.The danger to India and the world increased as the Afghanistan out-ranked Myanmar as the top Opium producer by 2010 and the narcotics refining -export capacities of Pakistan made countries unstable due to drugs money.Much of Pakistanis poppy cultivation is in Tirah area in Khyber,of the erstwhile FATA.These areas were loosely administered,and the presence of insurgents was conducive for the protection of the crop.
The 1923 km Pakistan-Afghanistan border is mostly porous.By 1980s as US aid to the Mujahideens increased to fight the Soviet forces,Opium production increased and it got linked to the heroin producing labs inside Pakistan.UNDDC Report of 2018 puts the total area of Afghanistan under poppy cultivation at 3,28,000 hectares making it the largest producer.The Washington Post in its September 12,1994 report describes the link of terrorism and narcotics in Pakistan.
The funding od terror attacks in Kashmir and other parts of India was the drug money funneled by a complex monet laundering process,that would not have been possible without the help of the narco-terror network.The most infamous case was the Bank of Credit and Commerce International(BCCI)that laundered the drug money to finance terror groups involved in bombing the New York World Trade Centre(Contressiomal Record Oct 3,1994 by John Ward &Others:Pakistan’s Involvemeng in NarcoTerrorism)